In times of crisis, we’re often told to ‘shelter in place’. Indeed, sometimes this can be the best way to protect ourselves and those around us. As COVID-19 moved rapidly through communities, we’re advised to lock ourselves down, keep our distance from one another, and shelter in place until the virus has run its course.

While these self-imposed limitations are an effective and pragmatic response to the pandemic, they needn’t prevent us from moving forward. In spite of the outbreak, social distancing guidelines, and interrupted supply chains, many businesses are still finding innovative ways to maintain their operations. As we emerge from the current pandemic, we’ll find ourselves surrounded by pioneers who propel us into a new era and a brighter future.

Fool me once…

Until a few months ago, the thought of an uncontrollable virus sweeping across the United States was something only imagined by science fiction writers. Now, of course, we know better. Having experienced the disruption, confusion, and uncertainty wrought by the outbreak, there’s no doubt we will be better prepared for what the future might bring.

Disaster isn’t an uncommon feature in our national history and, sadly, it won’t be absent from our future either. However, first-hand knowledge of how a crisis affects the country will enable us to mitigate the effects of subsequent fallouts. Whether they’re national emergencies, terrorist threats, or novel diseases, our experience of COVID-19 is already motivating us to build a more robust and resilient future.

Making Business Better

As a local business owner, I’m ready to face the challenge before us. There’s no doubt that industries will evolve in a post-coronavirus era and the way businesses operate will inevitably change too. Advances in technology have already revolutionized the workplace but the impact of COVID-19 has forced many firms to open their minds to new ways of operating.

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